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How can I cancel my subscription?Updated 4 months ago

We’re sorry to hear that you want to cancel your subscription! Please read on for the following cancellation options:

  • If you’d rather change your flavor or modify your charge date instead, you can reach out to our Customer Service team via live chat - you can find the chat icon at the bottom right of our site:

  • If you'd prefer to cancel, you can reach out via live chat, email, or cancel from your account here.

Please note that if you have more than one product in your subscription active, you will need to cancel each product separately.

Please note: We send out a email reminder 3 days before your next charge date to give you time to make any necessary changes. All subscription requests, such as flavor changes, address adjustments, and cancellations can be done via the two methods above and must be done prior to your charge date. Once a charge has been processed, we are unable to make changes to that shipment.

Unable to access your account?

1. You should have received an Account Activation email right after placing your order, to the email address associated with your account. Click the link in that email to set a password and you'll be able to log in.

2. If you have already activated your account and need to reset your password, click "Forgot password?" on the account page and you'll be able to reset it. If you do this and it doesn't recognize your email, try option 1 above.

If you have further questions, please email us at or chat with us and someone will happily assist!

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